Some say that the Barguran species is as old as Sereth itself. Others believe they began as the result of an experiment by an ancient race of beings that has been lost to time. Whatever the truth may be, it is known that since the first recorded history of the first era, the Barguran have been a part of that history.

Widely believed to be the first race to inhabit Sereth, The Barguran see themselves as the true race of the world. Some live that belief in a positive light, acting as a guiding light for the world around them. However there are also those who view themselves as wholly superior to the other other “lesser” beings of Sereth. Though they are thought to be native to the Darkon continent, there are Barguran among every nation and culture on Sereth.

A ruling council called “The Eldest” made up of many Barguran from all over Sereth handles and intervenes in matters pertaining to the Barguran people. Though this council does govern many aspects of its people, each Barguran still must abide by the codes and laws of the tribe or nation they are a part of.

In fact when Mursai fell during the advent of The Curse, The Eldest quickly took action, decreeing that all Barguran take action to safeguard all peoples of their regions within Mursai. Even today as Mursai remains The Darklands, Barguran still safeguard the small towns and settlements of the former empire. Mainly consisting of humans and barguran as the Araurans are gone and the Sivian are all but extinct, the two species work closely to keep the bandits and monsters at bay during these dark times.

There is a faction of barguran that feel this is a case of natural selection, as if Sereth itself were giving the world back to the barguran people. Seven powerful barguran that have been labeled extremists and have broken away from The Eldest, these powerful barguran are called The Elder Lords. Each Elder Lord has taken a group of followers and claimed lordship over seven regions of The Darklands. However, The Elder Lords and their followers often work together with local free peoples of The Darklands when an issue arises. Such issues that often need to be addressed by both sides could be a warlord coming into power or a nasty den of monsters springing up.

Will the barguran people be able to quell their infighting to help aid in the fight to come against the silent terror that has its eyes set upon Sereth?